Monday, February 7, 2011

My Fears Part 1.

Okay okay. Shock and horror, you werent expecting the Mighty Miri to have any fears but yes, I am human and thus I do have a couple of them! Defeating them shows just how mighty I am but is hard! What is most tragic is that fears destroy ones life, and they limit ones ability to grow and mature so I am truly hoping to conquer these....soon!!

1. Becoming pregnant. Even though I think children are awesome, and it would be great to have a couple of troopers running around, probably more than anyone that I know, I’m terrified! Although I keep my legs together and I know that an Immaculate Conception was a one-time deal, sometimes I have nightmares (during the day!) about suddenly being pregnant! Part of it is the possibility of dying during child birth, part of it is just not being equipped to take care of them and im STUCK and part of it is seeing how difficult it is for children whose parents divorce, or dies or something..

2. Mediocrity. Ironically, this is how im feeling like all that I can achieve as of late. It seems that if you’re a total success or a total failure, you either get what you want or get some help. I feel like im stuck somewhere in the middle, and I don’t like that. AT ALL!! I’m afraid that I’ll just be mediocre for the rest of my life. Never doing anything worth living for, never being remembered for the impact I made on people's lives, never doing anything worthy of praise. I guess it is true, we are haunted by the vastness of eternity. Will my actions echo across the centuries, will people wonder long after I am gone, who I was, how bravely I fought and how fiercely I loved?

3. Heights. I get extreme height vertigo sometimes. Plane rides get me woozy. I am up there and I am praying the entire trip, like "God, know how I am feeling up here. Please make sure we get to land safely!!" My mind is always considering the fall, even if I have something solid under my feet and a barrier in front of my face, belt buckled....I just cant handle it. But then again, from the words of Sheldon Cooper, "fear of heights is illogical, fear of falling however is prudent and evolutionary!"

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